Drive Innovation and Performance
As a visionary leader, you know leveraging diversity to drive innovation and performance goes hand in hand with inclusion. In a place where everyone is able to voice their opinion, use their talents and propose their unique ideas, creativity flows, everyone feels a lot happier and driven to perform at a higher level. While this seems like a simple formula, we often wonder how can we make this a reality. How do we create and sustain a compelling inclusive people culture that drives performance? If you operate at a global level, these challenges are amplified even more.
My mission is to help visionary leaders achieve the extraordinary by leveraging global diversity and inclusion. I do this by helping you design and implement high impact people strategies that unlock the full potential of diverse teams, and create an inspiring inclusive organizational culture that drives creativity, innovation and growth. My vision is to build a better world where every voice is heard and every individual’s uniqueness is embraced.
Empowering Visionary Leaders to Achieve the Extraordinary.
Having helped leaders and teams create and implement high impact people strategies and programs in dynamic global companies for more than a decade, I know what works. Through Culture Pivot Solutions, I offer you an alternative to large consulting firms where bureaucracy, complicated solutions and bottlenecks often get in the way of getting the job done.
About Irlana Ho

I’m a People & Culture Expert, and I’m passionate about making a difference in the world by using my knowledge and expertise in my work with visionary leaders. For over a decade, I’ve worked in corporate human resource management helping leaders implement remarkable people strategies and programs in dynamic global companies. I grew up in two of the world’s most diverse cities, Sao Paulo, Brazil and Toronto, Canada. As a global nomad, I’ve travelled to almost every continent in the world, and lived abroad in various cities in North America and Europe. These experiences gave me a deep appreciation for diversity and pluralism.
I’ve further developed my passion for diversity and intercultural management during my graduate studies. My research confirmed that multicultural diverse teams in inclusive and collaborative environments out-performed homogeneous teams. I hold a B.A. in Labor Management Relations and Economics from the University of Toronto, Canada and a M.A. in Industrial Relations from Laval University in Quebec, Canada, with a focus on the strategic management of cultural diversity and organizational effectiveness.
Unique Approach to Deliver Results and Sustainable Change
My approach and solutions combine both art and science, and are based on principles I know are crucial to achieving concrete results and sustainable change.
- Client-Focus & Flexibility: At the get-go, my biggest priority is to gain a thorough understanding of the inner workings of your organization, your people and the business you’re in. This enables me to adapt my consulting process to your needs, and help you focus on the right issues.
- Big Picture: Within a challenging dynamic work environment, we often get ‘tunnel vision’ and forget to zoom out. This is why we’ll focus on the bigger picture, to ensure we identify all of the crucial elements impacting your organization. Seeing the big picture helps us find and work on the root-cause of issues, and not just the symptoms.
- Fact & Data Driven: No matter where I’m at in my consulting process with you, I use facts and data to support my conclusions and our decision-making. In addition to qualitative data, I analyse numbers to gain a thorough and accurate understanding of your organizational and business needs. When data is not available, I will design a process to effectively gather the necessary data.
- Clarity & Simplicity: The biggest barrier to success is complexity and the inability to focus resources in the right direction. My goal is to help you gain clarity and identify a concrete roadmap for moving forward together. The solutions I offer are deliberately designed to be simple, practical and easy to use.
- Unique Perspective: I look at every organization and their issues through a multidisciplinary lens. When necessary, I get creative and custom design frameworks, solutions and tools to suit your needs, whatever they may be.
- Continuous Learning & Knowledge Sharing: Learning is my biggest passion, and I’m constantly on the hunt for the latest best practices. As you work with me, I will share my knowledge and expertise on the latest developments and best practices.
Let’s Work Together.
Are you a visionary leader looking to gain a global competitive edge by leveraging diversity and inclusion?
Don’t know where to start? Contact me, to learn more about my solutions, or schedule a complimentary consulting session with me.